A ‘poetrical’ is somewhat similar to a “musical”, the difference being that the emphasis is on poetry, integrated into the script to add flavour to the story and drive it along. This innovation is unique to Hamish.
“Home for Christmas” is such a ‘poetrical’. It will have music, turning some of the poems into traditional style songs that are normally associated with “musicals”. However some of the poetry will remain just that. It is the story of a young, idealistic and naive Scottish doctor, who enlists to offer his services on the Western Front during the First World War. The story is part adventure story, part love story and part a coming-of-age story, as the protagonist finally understands the futility and waste of conflict, and the healing power of love.
In addition to entertaining, “Home for Christmas” hopes to provide its audience an insight into the conditions which prevailed on the home front as well as on the Western Front. It aims therefore, to educate as well as entertain.
Here you will have an opportunity to read the first few pages of the script.
Written in conjunction with Esha, “Home for Christmas” is an homage to all who gave their lives or were in any way touched by the Great War.